The mandatory introduction

This is the first post in my little corner of the internet.  It’s a casual introduction to what I hope can be a serious and semi-professional platform to house my musings about a variety of things.

I intend to use this, first and foremost, to post book reviews. Not reviews of any book: fantasy books, as they are primarily, and almost singularly what I read. I have dabbled in the realm of science-fiction but bar Kelly McCullough’s work, I have found little to my taste. And his work, to me at least, is more science-fantasy than hard core science-fiction.

I have also been known to read vampire fiction, although I am perhaps even pickier with the bloodsuckers than I am with science-fiction. As I write vampires myself, I have a very clear image of what I like them to be in my head and anything that deviates too far from that will immediately lose my attention. And I also tend to shy away from the plethora of teen vampire literature as, as much as I don’t mind romance in my books, I don’t like it to take over the story.

Secondly, this blog will see my writerly ramblings, from world-building content to updates on my creative process, and what helps or hinders it. I have had stories going around in my head since I was little and as I’ve grown up, it’s become clear that if I don’t put them down on paper and let all the characters loose, I am eventually going to go absolutely mad. So, as I work my way through my various “works in progress”—and there’s a bit of everything genre-wise: science-fiction, fantasy, and even vampires—I’ll be updating this blog with what’s going on.

Finally, I’ll be using this as a platform to dump all the ideas that are born from the course I am currently on. As a student of social science and psychology at the Open University, there are a lot of concepts that I come in contact with. Some I agree with, some I disagree with, and some that simply completely baffle me. Either way, the topics worth talking about will get their five minutes of fame.

That about seems to sum what I intend to use this place for. So for all of you who will have actually taken the time to read this, thank you and watch this space for some more interesting updates in the future!

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